This site is expected to be an extended work in progress. At its core shall be an exposition of the entire Revelation of Yahshua Christ, of which the version posted here is from the Christogenea New Testament. It is meant to serve as a Commentary on the Revelation, written by William Finck of Christogenea.org. All of the material available here is also available at Christogenea.org, but not in this same dedicated format. The podcast archives are also found here. The comments on this site, however, although originally prepared for William Finck's notes for those programs, will not be limited to those only, but - Yahweh God willing - will be subject to emendations and additions whenever it is deemed appropriate or necessary, so that this site becomes a sort of "living commentary" on the Revelation by the author. The Revelation is of such a great depth, and the nature of understanding of the things revealed over time of such comparitively shallow magnitude, it is imagined that even the finest and most focused writing on the topic would be an endless endeavor for any man. See Christogenea.org for more information.
Praise Yahweh!
William Finck